It is of greatter importance to realize that hypertension can disappear not recognized and undiagnosed during years, not involving any symptom of hypertension but damaging progressive the heart, blood vessels and other bodies. Before hypertension, or hypertension, is diagnosed, the made damage can be irrevocable - driving with the heart attack, the cardiac disorder, or the race. The properties cardio--protective several of the foods consumed in the countries such as Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain and France caused the term “the Mediterranean mode”. The beneficial effects of this manner of eating emerged by studies in the semi Forties which showed in particular the limited incidence of the cardiac disorder in the Mediterranean basin. However, the advantages of the Mediterranean mode in the treatment of hypertension were only rediscovered since the Nineties. A narrower glance indicated that the type of eaten foods were much healthier for the heart than sodium the high mode of the USA. The vegetables were not cooked too much and there was a choice of believed vegetables and fruits, meaning more salutary vitamins and ores with the treatment of hypertension were maintained. A great quantity of protein came from the vegetable sources, of this fact reducing the quantity of saturated grease which often accompanies animal protein. The total amounts of greases saturated and grease with transport which are known to raise the cholesterol of blood and the levels of
blood pressure were low. These bad greases were replaced close monounsaturated of greases, thought to be salutary in the treatment of the cardiac disorder and hypertension. As is in the Mediterranean mode which can help in the treatment of hypertension? 1.Anti-oxidants - such as the vitamins A, C and E prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. This prevents the contracting of the blood vessels and assistance effectively in the treatment of hypertension 2.Potassium - the assistances in the treatment of hypertension by thwarting the bad impressions of sodium in blood run acid 3.Folic which helps to reduce the formation of the homocystéine which can contribute to the cardiac disorder. 4.Omega 3 - found in common oily fish in the Mediterranean mode, to have the protective properties of special heart. Such properties include to reduce arrhythmias of heart, reducing the viscosity of blood and bringing back damage to the walls of artery. All this contributes to the treatment of hypertension. As with any other dietetic change, the choice in a Mediterranean way to eat will produce the maximum effect by reducing the disorder cardiac only when coupled to other positive changes of life style such as stopping to smoke and increase the exercise. However increasing your catch of roasted Italian vegetables, the entire Spanish sardines roasted plus odd French wine glass resembles certainly manner pleasant to reduce the cardiac disorder!